ADHD is most common in childhood, but commonly carries into adulthood or initially presents later in life.
These are all common complaints of people with attention problems. However, many people with these minor inattention, do not have attention-deficit disorder. Our goal is to provide for and accurately diagnose what a patient may experience as an attention problem, to find out what is causing the problem, and to help find the most effective treatments for this problem.
What is attention Deficit?
Everyone knows what attention is, but how does one know when there is a lack of attention, or an attention deficit. Maintaining a focused possession of the mind, in clear and vivid form is an adequate description of attention, while noting that focalization and concentration of consciousness are of its essence.
Conversely inattention, implies withdrawal from one thought’s focal point in order to deal effectively with another.
Attention can actually be broken down into different types, such as “selective attention”, “sustained attention”, and “orienting”. Sometimes unfortunately, treatment for attention problems is generalized and everyone is diagnosed as having “attention-deficit disorder.”
How are problems with attention treated?
During our initial visit and consultation visits, we work with people to understand if they have an attention problem and if so, what type of attention problem they have. This is important because you need an accurate and specific diagnosis to design a good treatment plan for your attention ailment. Some pharmacologic treatment modalities include Adderall, Ritalin, and Vyvanse.
OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can manifest in varies ways depending upon the patient.
Can’t OCD just be a Part of My Personality ?
Basically there are two main distinctions when it comes to ‘OCD,’ and obsessive compulsive disorder symptoms have a wide range of variability depending on each individual. 1) There is obsessive compulsive personality disorder, and this when a person prefers things to be a certain way, is extremely orderly, punctuate, and high achieving, but not to the point of disrupting normal life. Conversely, obsessive compulsive disorder, is when an individual has recurrent thoughts (obsessions) that do not go away or subside without completion of a particular action (compulsion) . An example would be a recurrent thought that one’s hands are dirty, with the recurrent action of hand washing. Unfortunately, this obsessive compulsive / thought- action cycle can get to the point of interrupting daily functioning. Using the example from above, hand washing 45+ times per day, causing poor work performance, missing deadlines, are excessive skin irritation as a result. There is no true OCD test, but diagnosis is made via a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation.
Is There a OCD treatment?
YES – there are several approaches to obsessive compulsive disorder treatment available. Evidence shows that the best treatment approach is a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and medication, such as Luvox.